On the way back from court yesterday my car stalled out in the turn lane. Panicked, all I could think of was this comical image of myself in the middle of the street trying fruitlessly to push my car to the shoulder for all of the halted drivers to see. I was eventually able to restart the car and drive it, sputtering, to the shoulder. Thankfully there was a Waffle House across the street where I was able to seek sanctuary while I waited almost 3 hours for the tow truck. I'm so glad I didn't run my phone battery down playing Angry Birds that day.
It's the little things in life that remind me I'm not running the show. I live in a fallen world, not "Monica Land." Bad things happen every day, and I'm not exempt from them. In this way God uses me to empathize with others, and help as I have been helped. It's a reminder that we are all at some point helpless and vulnerable, not as independent as we all like to believe we are. God reminded me of my dependence on Him, something I often try to deny. He can give a car and take away a car, and even with no car I am far wealthier than most people in the world dream to be.
Car's in the shop, I'm anxiously awaiting the estimated damage. I'm moved by how many coworkers have offered to give me rides, and am thankful to have a husband with a working vehicle. I need these little reminders in my life that I don't control my own destiny, no matter how much I foolishly attempt to.
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