Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I always thought blogging was narcistic, even though I'm a writer, and writers by nature are narcistic.  Why, I wonder, would anyone care to read my rambling, mundane, ill-composed thoughts?  A published article, I could understand, with the polish of a careful editor and a printing in a magazine of interest.  However, several close friends and my loving husband have inspired me to take the plunge into ego land.  I don't write half as often as the right side of my brain prompts me to, but I'll do my best to update frequently.  This can be the creative outlet I often supress because it seems of little use when dishes need washing and the Office is on.  What do I hope for this blog?  Deep thoughts.  Contemplations.  New ideas.  I've recently discovered my deep need for quiet time at the end of the day - time to stop doing and start thinking.  Time to meditate on the Word of my sweet Jesus.  Perhaps this can be helpful in aiding that.  What will I write about?  I hope to discuss first of all what I've learned from God and how it effects my daily life.  I'm sure I'll include my cooking triumphs (from scratch margarita chicken) and failures (charcoaled undercooked brownies) as well as my constant attempt at pilates, a sport I love but always seem to talk myself out of doing.  My new life as a sugar-free woman, and maybe a poem or two although I'm always paranoid someone will plagiarize and make millions.  And of course my writing submissions and inevitable rejections.  I hope this blog will challenge me to do all the things I always just seem to talk about.

As for the name, I "borrowed" it out of a line from a Norah Jones blues song.  I encourage you to check it out.  And now for your reading pleasure, an excerpt from "New York City":

"And did I mention the note that I found
Taped to my locked front door
It talked about no regrets
As it slipped from my hand to the scuffed tile floor

I rode the train for hours on end
And watched the people pass me by
It could be that it has no end
Just an action junkie's lullaby

New York City
Such a beautiful disease
New York City
Such a beautiful,
Such a beautiful disease"

1 comment:

  1. Wow Monica! Great Blog! Lovin' it!! I care to read!!
    "ego land" :)
    But it's not selfish to express. Remember that you are tying to find your true self.

    Also, a tip: If you are worried about plagiarism, and you have a camera, videotape yourself reading your poems out loud and post the video! That is what I've been doing. I wouldn't put my poems on facebook anymore (I used to do it ALL the time), it's too dangerous.
